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About Us

   When Bryan and Patricia Haber purchased the store in 1987  it was in terrible disrepair, but they saw past that and created something wonderful.  The welcoming feeling as you walk in the front door invites you to experience their world of good food, family & loyal customers who have become friends.

   They had to de-bat, de-bird & de-fly the building and set out on a restoration program that lasted four and a half years and involved complete re-wiring, re-plumbing, re-plastering and re-painting of the entire building.

  Their children Gareth, Kristina & Michael endured the rubble and helped a lot with the renovations. On one occasion Michael, the youngest and then the smallest, had to crawl in between the joists in the attic to help string the electrical wires. In the store itself a few display cases and coolers remained, but in order to create the old front counter, three extra solid wood doors from upstairs were used on their sides with century-old red Douglas Fir planks on top.  Ideas for the adjustable shelving came from the Kilby Store in Harrison Mills and the look-alike tin ceiling was created using English Anaglypta embossed wallpaper with seven wood mouldings making up the cornice border.  They were very lucky to find the original fir floor in good condition.  Every year the store is closed for the full months of January, May & September due to scheduled maintenance to our century old building.


This has been a labour of love for Mr. & Mrs. Haber and they have re-kindled the heritage of this lovely store to last many years. They welcome you to take the opportunity to step back in time  and enjoy the traditional flavours and values of yesteryear.



Shop Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10-5pm
34810 Clayburn Rd, Abbotsford B.C.  604-853-4020.         Email: 

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